If youre coming for ow its
C)it would give the individual states more power to better serve their own citizens
The questions that would be posed by a pre-Socratic philosopher rather than a follower of the Sophists or later traditions is " Is there an essential truth beyond reality?"
Pre Socratic philosophy mainly dwelt on explanations based on natural occurring rather than believing it to be the work of mythical Gods. They sought to seek rational explanations of the phenomena occurring around them. They sought the truth underlying the universe, external world and the human nature and soul.
The Socratic philosophy unlike the Pre-Socratic philosophers mainly dwelt on expressions and theories on religion, law and politics. They also believed that always exists two sides to an argument out of which either one could be true.
she helped 300 Slaves escape to freedom
Hitler (Or other high-ranking Nazis like Himmler, we still don't know who gave the order) probably realized that if they lost the war (World War 2), the Jewish population would be released. I personally don't think this was the case as it didn't occur to Germany's commanders that they may lose until around Mid-1943, and Hitler in 1945.
Another, more interesting possibility was that Hitler and the High Command were scared of the Jewish minority. Hitler (and by extent the entire branch of German National Socialism) believed in the theory of 'Judeo Bolshevism', in which it was claimed that Judaism invented Communism, and those two things were the biggest threat to the 'Aaryan Master Race'.
One final possibility was just that: some high-ranking Germany literally just hated the Jewish people that much.
We may never know the actual answer. If this helped please mark Smartest. :)