<span> Madeira and the Canary Islands </span>
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Decimate: to thoroughly destroy something.
It is called decimate the action of causing large numbers of dead, injured or sick in a group of people or animals, especially in a population.
Defoliant: an artificial chemical designed to kill plant life.
A defoliant is any chemical that is fumigated or sprinkled on the plants in a way that induces their leaves to fall off. A classic example of a highly toxic defoliant is the Agent Orange.
Detrimental: having a negative or harmful effect on something.
It is called detrimental to something that causes or may cause harm.
Tentative: to be hesitant or uncertain in an action.
This word means the situation in which a person is not clear about his actions to be carried out.
The Soviet Union was a socialist state where the state-owned significant means of production and property. In capitalist countries like the U.S., the property can be private and businesses can be individual. The soviet economy focused on equity of wealth and its balanced distribution among the people.