Sooo...kinda have a weird question here. There is this celebrity right? They are famous, but not like ridiculously famous like A
riana Grande or someone. I recently have been "obsessed" with this person. Not in the weird sense, but in the sense where I love this person a lot and they are my favorite person ever. I got added into this group chat with other people who are fans/fan accounts and you know, the celebrity themself is in it too. Obviously they aren't gonna answer, but they are added just in case. A friend of mine--also a fan account of this celebrity has told me that there is one group chat of them and some of his fans that the celebrity regularly answers. A few friends are in it. Obviously, I asked this fan account to add me, but they couldn't due to the limit of people in that group chat, so I couldn't be added. I love this celebrity so much and knowing I could have the chance to talk to them but cannot due to a stupid limit, I feel extremely sad, jealous, and in denial. I wish I was in that group. I don't hate this friend of mine, I like them. But how do I overcome that feeling of helplessness and jealousy regarding this celebrity and the fact that they probably will never notice me?
Answer: Well, If you really like this person and there not well known then I feel as if you should still listen to this person or (group) just as much as your freinds listen to Ariana Grande or Justin Bebiber. It really dosen't
matter who you listen to it only matters if you like their music! Hope this helped babes.
Explanation: <3
And i think if you have a chance of them noticing you go for it!
Oh wow well um, u should find a other to talk to ur celeb like is there any places this celeb goes to? U could ask this celebs friends for he/she number. There are other ways to problems like this one, u just have to think outside of the box u know. I don’t really know but I tried and I am very sorry if I did not give u the info that u wanted.
In the 'Pandora's box', Haphaestus asks the goddesses to give Pandora a gift or a power. In other words he told them to give Pandora some of their powers.