100% right jhfdghdkuvsejhrdvfiuykhjrdvfiscudkrhjdvfi rydghfvse
what this is asking is for you to show what sets the two political parties apart (for examples, their stances on the same situation or some of the motives that are found in this political party). in the center this asks you to find similarities; are there things that both parties strive for? one example I can think of off the top of my head for the differences is that the Republican party has, in history, been known for taking more "aggressive" stances as opposed to Democratic counterparts; but like the instructions say you need to cite internet sources. hope this helped!
Competition in the Cold War
The Soviet became the second country to develop nuclear weapon after the United States. As both countries engaged in military weapon which led to the development of missile and rocket. The U.S. began to panic when the Soviet launch the first artificial satellite called Sputnik to go to space.
The successful launching of Sputnik I by the Soviet Union led to the direct formation of NASA in America. Government passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act in 1958. The Sputnik I was a technological success with its size, caught everyone attention, especially Americans who were astonished by Soviet technology.
Yuri Gagarin became the first to go to space. John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth. Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon.