because the Constitution didn't specifically state that the federal government was authorized to charter a bank, the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional.
Option: A. the union was more focused on cutting off resources to opposing forces.
During the Civil War, the Unions plan focused on cutting off resources of the Confederacy. The Union planned to put a blockade in all Southern coasts to eliminate the help from foreign countries. This blocking strategy came to be known as the Anaconda Plan. The Union also wanted to control over the Mississippi River. The river played a significant role for the South because it was the last port on the river held by them. Confederate troops provided goods and ammunition to Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.
Many of his plays are still acted today , because he was such a popular artist and still is.
Think of it, when you buy a loan, you have a interest rate. You have to pay off the interest rate with the loan. Hope this helps.
The steppe crosses the Russian plain, south of the taiga, penetrating deep into Siberia. It comprises three main types, which run in roughly parallel bands from east to west: forest steppe in the north, through steppe, to semi -desert steppe in the south. Within these belts, zones of temporary inundation on floodplains or in zones of internal drainage provide valuable hay land. The steppe was increasingly ploughed for crops during the twentieth century; initially crops were rotated with naturally regenerated grassland, but from mid-century cultivation was increasingly intensive. During the collective period, the emphasis was on industrial stock rearing, with housed cattle and high inputs; since decollectivization, intensive enterprises are closing for economic reasons, and systems have yet to stabilize. If ploughed land is left undisturbed it will return naturally to steppe vegetation in six to fifteen years. Hay is very important for winter feed, and much is made from seasonally flooded meadows. Many marginal, semi-arid areas of the steppe have been put under crops, but are not economically viable; much of the cereals so produced are fed to livestock, but grain yields are very low and yield no more livestock products than would natural grassland, but at far higher cost. Marginal cropland should return to grass.