The factors that influence the weather conditions are as follows-
(1) Latitude- The latitude plays an important role in the occurrence of a weather condition. The higher latitudinal areas experience colder weather compared to the low latitudinal areas. It is because the temperature is maximum at the equator and minimum at the poles.
(2) Elevation- The air molecules are comparatively dense and thick near the ground surface. As a result of which the temperature and pressure is maximum at or near the ground surface, but at the higher altitudes, these air molecules are loosely dense, so the temperature remains relatively cold. Thus, higher elevated areas experience a cold weather pattern and low elevated areas experience warm weather.
(3) Temperature- The temperature at the equatorial region is comparatively higher than the places away from the equator. It is because the earth receives the maximum amount of sunlight in this region.
(4) Wind- The wind blows from a region of high pressure to low pressure. In a low-pressure zone, rainfall occurs. This prevailing wind in an area controls the climatic condition.
The meteorologists are able to predict the occurrence of different weather types in any particular area by using various instruments such as-
(a) Thermometers- It is used to measure the air temperature in any particular area
(b) Barometers- It is a device that is widely used to measure the air pressure.
(c) Anemometers- It is used to measure the wind speed occurring in an area.