The statement "doing less is an ideal that we should embrace" may have been adopted by some people who have been successful in their choices. However, these people are rare cases, it is not easy and recurring to be successful and reach your goals in establishing a path of dedication and effort. Doing less does not guarantee that we will succeed, we must always seek, learn and fight for what we want.
We can use as an example the success story of Bill Gates, where this statement does not fit. We can find several testimonials about how Gates and his team worked (sometimes exhaustively) to establish the success of his company.
The counter argument is convincing in that it brings a concrete example of someone who worked to get what he has, as well as presenting arguments that can be identifiable with the present day.
Besides religious phrases, what Charles Grandison Finney emphasized in his sermons is the fact that people had to make choices in their lives similar to making political decisions.
Although sometimes it can be difficult to make a decision or a right choice, still people have to do it all the time. Life is not easy, and sometimes these decisions can change everything for the person making them. Finney wanted to say that no matter how hard it is, people have to do what's right at all times.