False not all blacks agreed, for their own safety
She has a very lively character which can be difficult to maintain while cooped up in a small house.
At first, during the articles of confederation, the government's role was to help provide protection in separation of the colony from the British empire. After that, they formed the constitution to create a government that would actually be in charge even of things like taxing or protecting people domestically. This included separation of powers and an increase in the power of the federal government. The bill of rights was added to the constitution to ensure the protection of people and states individually too.
The War of 1812 formally began on June 18, 1812 when President James Madison signed the Declaration of War against the United Kingdom. The war was fought for a number of reasons including trade restrictions, the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, the United States trying to annex Canada, but also because the British were supporting Native Americans in their fight against American expansion. Let’s face it, many history books miss the main point of the War of 1812 and some even have said the most important thing to come out of the War of 1812 was “The Star Spangled Banner.” The war was in fact a major turning point for Native Americans who were struggling to stop white settlers from encroaching on their land. After the War of 1812, the United States negotiated more than 200 treaties with Indian nations that involved ceding land, 99 of those resulted in the creation of reservations west of the Mississippi River, reports The Treaty of Ghent—signed on December 24, 1814—ended the war and returned things between the United States and Britain to the way they were before the war.