I am definitely sure that complete statement looks like this: According to social penetration theory, the breadth dimension concerns the number of topics disclosed whereas the depth dimension concerns the level of detail in topics disclosed. <span>Social penetration theory explains the differences between various levels of </span><span>interpersonal communication</span> in relation to the depth of interpersonal relationships.
The notes related to citation or reference or comment that is assigned to a text on that page is called footnote.
It should be compiled. It won't work if it's not compiled.
(B) A single public IP address that it can use for NAT
Because the IPV4 IP protocol is still used today, the number of available IP addresses is limited (only 4,294,967,296 addresses in the world), for this reason, the most correct practice is the assignment of a single public IP to those companies that acquire services from an ISP, with some few exceptional cases of companies that own several.
So that the company's addressing can be executed successfully, the use of NATs is enabled, this allows the translation of network addresses, allowing the company to have as many private networks as necessary and that these can be communicated Correctly with the global network, the Internet, through the public IP of the company.
int count =0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
cout<<"Number of positive integers is "<<count<<endl;
The above written loop is for counting positive integers in the myArray[].
For counting we have taken a count integer initialized with 0.On iterating over the array if the element is greater than or equal to 0 we consider it as positive and increasing the count.At the end printing the count.