Global art embraces any type of art, including paintings, sculptures, photography, cinema, video art, digital Internet art, as well as conceptual, installation, and performance arts, that partici- pates in the international art world through cul- tural exchange or commerce.
Tertiary Colors
Tertiary Colors are formed by combining a primary and a secondary color, totaling six colors, namely:
- purplish red: red and purple
- red-orange: red and orange
- yellow-orange: yellow and orange
- greenish yellow: yellow and green
- blue-green: blue and green
- purplish: blue and purple
This affirmation is true. Tony Iommi said the day was October 16th, 1969 and that they recorded most of the songs in one run. The album was released four months after they recorded it, on February 13th, 1970. In the album's cover you can see a strange woman standing in front of a white house and also a tree trunk.
there are 7 principles of art and design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement.
The most important element of art is Emphasis it is Created when one element stands out more than any other