In 1290, Giotto started drawing in a way that was less conventional and more focused on nature observation. His popular cycle at the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, is seen as the beginning of the Renaissance style.
The correct answer: 135dB
The threshold of pain the point where loudness causes pain has an intensity level of 135dB.
(I didn’t understand the question so I just wrote this )
Dancers should use their eyes to connect with other dancers and the audience. "If they want us to focus on their pointe work, or if it's a romantic feeling in an adagio, then a downcast gaze is OK," says Ferrell. "Otherwise, we want to see their eyes." Standing at barre, dancers should look beyond the person standing in front of them.
hope it helps? :))
The book lover loves the object the book represents, but the reader loves to read a book and does it on any platform.
Gleick claimed that not every book lover was truly a reader. That's because being a book lover means that you love the book as an object and that you care about its aesthetics, the color of the pages, the beauty of the font and cover. For the book lover, reading itself is not the most important thing, but rather if the aesthetic that the book brings back pleases you.
The book reader, on the other hand, loves to read, no matter what the book looks like, whether the book will serve as an ornament or even what format the book is in. Thus, this reader does not bother to read the physical book or the digital book, whether on a cell phone, computer or a reading device.