Governmental Religious Educational Economic and finally Family
here is an article as well you can look at
h t t p : / /w w w . b e a c o n l e a r n i n g c e n t e r . c o m / W e b L e s s o n s / G e o g r a p h i c a l T h e m e s / t h e m e p a g e s / i n s t i t u t i o n s . h t m l
No, religion is not the root of all evil but it is a major source of conflict between different nations. Every religion gives teaching of peace and harmony and to avoid conflict and hatred towards each other. The actions of some extremists did not suggest that their religion is responsible for their actions, it is due to their ideology. Conflict mostly occurs due to intolerance of people against each other's religion.
On December 29, 1890, soldiers with the US Army opened fire on hundreds of Lakota Sioux. The group of Native Americans was largely unarmed and included several women and children. The incident, known as the Massacre at Wounded Knee, is considered one of the darkest moments in American history.
Can you please briefly explain the question?
First obviously was his deafness. He struggled with talking to people because he could not hear what they had to say. Often he ignored others because he could not communicate that he was deaf.
Second is his love life. He did fall in love several times but because of his rank they could not be together.