The Industrial Revolution substantially increased the material wealth of world. It ended the dominance of the agricultural industry. The factory owners, especially the textile mill owners had the most economic power during the early Industrial Age. The textile industry became the biggest industry and employed the most labourers during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, merchants held the economic power. They would supply the raw materials to manufacture cloth and pick up the finished products. Women would weave this cloth at home using hand-powered looms.
You can calculate it by adding up, for everyone in the country: The total value of goods and services ('output') produced; Everyone's income; Or what everyone in the country has spent.
Answer and Explanation:
Kant's principle of universalizability suggests that we do what we feel should be generalised or in his words universalised. I'm there words for something to be considered morally valid it should be generally satisfactory and not just apply to one person
On the other hand his principle of humanity suggests that we do those things that treat each human being as though he is the end not the means. In other words, we do not consider another human being to be something that could be used to achieve another thing but the sole purpose or end for which anything is done
The above do have contradictory applications since by generalizing a thing we could still be using a human being and not making him the end in this respect. I believe the best of the two principles however is the humanity principle since by holding this principle dear every human being would treat each other better and the universalizability principle would still apply.
<u>Terms </u>for <u>Nationalism </u>would be:
<u>Loyal to one specific country or state and their teams and no else's.</u>
<u>High praise of this nation</u>, putting above all other nations.
<u>Placing emphasis on this country or state's cultures and back round and its history. </u>
<u>Believing that this nation is best independent. </u>
<em>Hope this helps!</em>