The intented meaning behind Kaufman's use of understatement in relation to American drama is to show how the British act in serious situations. He is simply making fun of them and the way they behave. Kaufman is parodying British manners through the unconcerned characters.
If you're referring to the Civil War era, in the years leading up to the war, once such compromise could have been that slavery could continue to exist where it was, but not spread to other states.
March 15, 1770
Dear Peter,
I am writing to help you understand the tension that is building up in our country. As you may already know, the American colonies will unite to expel English domination in their territory and become an independent nation. As you may already know, England will not accept this rupture, which shows us that this will not be a peaceful and peaceful process. I fear that some lives will be lost and that bad results will be established.
I do not believe that the rupture will not occur, especially after the military occupation in Boston that will spare no effort to stop the protesters against the increase in tax rates.
Like me, I hope you hope that everything can be resolved quickly, without economic losses and without the suffering of people.
With love,