Virgils real BBQ, The Town Hall, The Lambs Club, Carmine's
On this day in 1939, in response to Hitler’s invasion of Poland, Britain and France, both allies of the overrun nation declare war on Germany.
) Patriots were more likely than Loyalists to believe in the idea of consent of the governed.
The first thing you would understand is that Loyalists were called Loyalists because they supported the rules of Great Britain. If they supported staying as a colony, why would they have any will in the first place to "go to war" with Great Britain if they are contend with the status they hold during the time? The only group that wanted to go to war was the Patriot group, not the Loyalist group.
He supported civil rights, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), wipes out military segregation and supports civil rights of all Americans. He was the first President to address the NAACP and to issue an executive order about civil rights.