The abiotic environment consists of non-living things. So, rocks, temperature and water are part of the abiotic environment.
A student's post on photosynthesis can be reliable because he cited multiple high-quality studies from scientific journals.
When we research to show that a hypothesis or idea is true, we need to give it reliable support so that people who read our research trust the conclusions of our research, and it is considered as true knowledge.
To give reliable support to an investigation, it is necessary to resort to feasible arguments or true knowledge developed by researchers and specialists. For this, we must consult sources of reliable information.
Examples of reliable sources of information are:
- International scientific journals
- University research
- Proven scientific evidence
- Specialized books
According to the above, what the student must do so that his publication is reliable for other students is to cite reliable sources so that the knowledge he is sharing is reliable.
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Cell which is the basic unit of life is affected by the interactions with biotic and abiotic factors such as temperature, sunlight. Organisms are made up of cells and they respond differently to temperature changes, sunlight, water availability. Some cell perform better at some certain range of temperature while some cannot.
Organism itself are affected by the interaction of some of this factors this include water and nutrients availability. Distribution of organism in a particular habitat is greatly influenced by availability of water and nutrients it lead to competition for survival among organism. Population density and species diversity also influence community and ecosystem. Population determines how resources is allocated in a community and it affect the activities of the organism in that domain or territory.