The development of machinery from the Industrial Revolution had a notable impact on the economic growth of the societies of the time. Thus, from the 1800s, significant technological advances began to occur, such as the creation of the steam engine, which in turn allowed the generation of new technologies applied to the development of agriculture, livestock, manufacturing and industry. This in turn implied an increase in the production of goods, which on the one hand reduced their price for consumption, while increasing the labor supply for workers, who joined the labor market in large quantities. All this (greater purchasing power and greater abundance of money) made societies begin to grow economically from these developments.
Dear (Cousin's name),
I love playing this game called hot potato. To start you have an item, not too big, not too small. You find friends if you don't have any, and then you get in a loose spread out circle. You start throwing this item to each person next to you in a circle until someone drops it and screams in anger and rage at losing the game. Your goal is to touch the item for as little time as possible but not drop it. I hope the next time you come to visit we can play.
Yours truly,
Your favorite cousin
I hope this entertained you
mexican restraunts
in the u.s.a mexacan food is popular between people. this is an exaple of caltural diffusion
The answer is A). A noun is a person place or thing. They're, refers to a person other than the speak. Aka ("They are").
hope that helps.