Budding occurs when the parent organism develops a bubble like bud which can ultimately become a new individual after maturity.
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO; Arabic: منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية, Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīniyyah) is a Palestinian nationalist political and militant organization founded in 1964 with the initial purpose of establishing Arab unity and statehood over the territory of former Mandatory Palestine, in opposition to the State of Israel.
A protein is a long chain of amino acids folded in to a specific shape
The correct answer is -
1) biological and personal factors
2) Gender stereotype
3) lack of education
There are many factors that contribute that lead to gender-based violence. The three most important of such factors include - the illiteracy of the people, gender Biased decisions or stereotypes, and Biological and personal history factors.
1) Biological and personal history factors
The history of violence on their own led them to make violence in order to hurt another gender. Other than that drugs and alcohol can contribute too
2) Gender Stereotypes
Cultural norms that people follow can also dictate how people act against women as it is expected to be passive and submissive.
3) Lack of Education
People with lack or limited education are more prone to make uninformed decisions.
<span>In contrast to a mitotic division, which yields two identical diploid daughter cells, the end result of meiosis is </span>haploid<span>daughter cells with chromosomal combinations different from those originally present in the parent. In sperm cells, four </span>haploid<span> gametes are produced.</span>