If you receive a 1 on the ideas and content rubric, it may mean that : the severity and the frequency of errors are so overwhelming that the readers find it difficult to focus on the message. You might want to try a little bit harder if you only receive a 1.
hope this helps
if this is for me to answer i would say
In the summer I went on holiday to Spain with my mum, dad, brothers, sisters and niece and nephew and we had an amazing time there. We went to the beach when it was hot and sunny and we had ice cream where it melted so quickly we needed to go and buy another ice cream and we made sand castles and played in the sea and after we went the beach we went to the pier and bought some sweets and played at the fair. Sadly, we had to go home but we had lots of fun and played lots of games.
There is always hope even when life seems hopeless. Just keep going and don't stop.
Climax: The narrator kills the old man.
Exposition: the narrator and the old man are introduced.
Falling action: The narrator shows the policeman into the old man's room
Resolution: The narrator confesses to his guilt and tells the police where to find the body.
Rising action: The narrator goes into the old man's room every night for seven days with the intention of killing him.
unable or not
disable means that you are not able to do something and impossible means it is not possible. Think of other words like dissimilar which means apart from similar.