B. idioms
<u>Idioms are phrases or expressions that say one thing but are in fact conveying a different meaning which is previously culturally established. </u>
If one tries to understand them literally, they won’t have much sense. Yet, those who know language proficiently will understand the meaning of these phases in a metaphoric sense accepted in the common language and the symbolic matter.
<u>Some of the examples can be:</u>
- <u>when the pigs fly</u> – this means something will never happen, as pigs do not fly
- <u>piece of cake</u> – means something is very easily achieved and accomplished with little effort.
- <u>to pull someone’s leg </u>– idiom meaning to joke with someone, to make them believe in something which is not true, but in a playful way. \
- <u>to break the ice</u> – meaning to do something first and make others at ease, to relieve the tension.
"There's a fascinating psychological reason behind your belief in ghosts<span>. Halloween is a time to celebrate </span>ghosts<span>, vampires, and everything supernatural. ... More than a third of </span>people<span> surveyed also said they </span>believed in ghosts<span> or spirits returning from the dead."</span>