B, Claim.
He is claiming the things that he has done in his presidency and is proving his worth in his farewell to presidency.
nice because people want to be with with you and help you
what I think is that admiring g is a key word and being g admired is actually nice so the 'nice' part really fits. I dont really get the big part though
The following conversation is acceptable.
Squilliam- "Hello James, It has been a while"
James- "Hello Squilliam, nice to see you recovered from that horrible incident"
Squilliam- "yes, it is isn't it"
James- "I like the outfit, but this is isn't a fancy dress party"
Squilliam- "Oh it isn't? Then why did you come dressed like a home less man?"
James- "Very funny Squilliam, any marriages you want to ruin again? or was that just for last year?"
Squilliam- "I don't know James, any houses you want to burn down? Or was mine enough for you?"
Fahrenheit 451 is set in an unspecified city at an unspecified time in the future after the year 1960. The novel is divided into three parts: "The Hearth and the Salamander", "The Sieve and the Sand", and "Burning Bright".
Answer: A word can be both a noun and a verb.