total time to read whole file = ( 81.380208 mili seconds ) + 80ms + 80ms
Size of a surface = 675/15 = 45 MB
Size of a track = (Number of sectors per track)*(Size of a sector)
= (144*512)Bytes
= 73.728 KB
Number of tracks where 360KB file is located = 360/73.728 = 4.8828125 (Approx 5 tracks)
So Seek time to go the first track of the file = 80 ms
And after seek time for track to track movement = 4*20 = 80 ms
We need 4.8828125 rotations to read whole file.
Time for 4.8828125 ratations = (60.0/3600.0)*4.8828125 seconds = 0.081380208 seconds = 81.380208 mili seconds
So total time to read whole file = ( 81.380208 mili seconds ) + 80ms + 80ms
This statement is correct
Clear your search history and erase your IP address.
Throw your router out a 2-Story window. It's simple. Now go commit not alive.
You're done!!
Give three(3) difference between Dot-matrix printer and the Daisy-wheel printer
Lacking a response to my question, I'll assume there's no "correct' answer here.
Joaquin could contact the university's graphic arts department, or if he's interested in the programming side of it, the computer science department, and ask if they have any information on the topic. If he's already majoring to become an animator, then he should talk to one of his professors to see if they know someone in the business that would speak with Joaquin.
The faster and better way would be to go to reddit, or some site at which animators congregate (most probably found through Google), read the forums, and create if he's not finding a suitable answer.