int counter = 0;
String userInput = "";
while (userInput != "stop") {
print "What pet do you have? ";
userInput = readInputLine();
if (userInput != "stop" ){
counter = counter + 1;
print "\nYou have one ";
print userInput;
print ". Total # of Pets: ";
print counter;
not sure what programming language you use, therefore the answer is pseudocode but it should give you an idea how to implement a piece of code for this problem.
Also, from the way you described the exercise I'm not sure if you always are supposed to reply with "you have one" + the pet or if you should count how often the same pet was entered.
This isn't related to computers and when you look it up all it comes up with a Stars Wars.
a. int foo+; (foo+ is an invalid identifier because + is not a valid char in identifiers)
b. foo int; (Syntax error is any error where the syntax is invalid - either due to misplacement of words, bad spelling, missing semicolons etc.)
c. Static semantic error are logical errors. for e.g passing float as index of an array - arr[1.5] should be a SSE.
d. I think exceptions like NullReferenceException might be an example of DME. Not completely sure but in covariant returns that raise an exception at compile time (in some languages) might also come in this category. Also, passing the wrong type of object in another object (like passing a Cat in a Person object at runtime might qualify for DME.) Simplest example would be trying to access an index that is out of bounds of the array.
The function in C++ is as follows:
int isSorted(int ar[], int n){
if ( || ){
return 1;}
if ( < ){
return 0;}
return isSorted(ar, n - 1);}
This defines the function
int isSorted(int ar[], int n){
This represents the base case; n = 1 or 0 will return 1 (i.e. the array is sorted)
if ( || ){
return 1;}
This checks if the current element is less than the previous array element; If yes, the array is not sorted
if ( < ){
return 0;}
This calls the function, recursively
return isSorted(ar, n - 1);