In Metamorphosis, Gregor's boss represents the grind of the morn working class life and its unquestioned authority over people.
In his rendition of Kafka's classic story The Metamorphosis, Kuper captures the rhetorical thoughts in Gregor's mind through images, in almost a <u>continuation of the undulating visual metaphor of Gregor turning into an insect.</u>
His relationship with his boss is one of oppressed and the oppressor and thus the visuals follow them. Gregor's thoughts reveal his<u> hatred for the authority he must submit to everyday through shackles, closed spaces and sharp lines.</u>
I think the correct answers are grammar, spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary. These things are the four characteristics of standard English. It refers to whatever form of the English language is accepted as a norm in an English-speaking country
I know about the same as last time I have free time I