By identifying the purpose of an ad, you are able to see what it is actually about. If you didn't know the reason behind the purpose, you might be confused as to why is this ad even an ad overall. Whenever you find out the suitable audience the ad is directed to, you are able to see if it's suitable for you. For example, if there was an ad featuring a men spray a female would most likely not buy it but a man would. This is the same for the other gender. Of course if some females like men spray, they would buy it. However, you can clearly see that, that ad is forwarded towards men.
Per Yngve Ohlin was a Swedish metal musician on a band called DEAD who had a spleen ruptured after being beaten up by bullies he was dead for a second but lived again. He is important because he inspired the corpse painting for the genre. I think that he was a great guy and that it was amazing that he survived a spleen rupture.
We don’t live in two dimensions. But what about characters? Saying they are multi-dimensional or “round" is a compliment frequently paid to characters, but there is often some confusion to what the term “round” really means. This can make it difficult to tell if a fictional figure is round or not, and why it even makes a difference.
So, what is a round character? Are they, by definition, better-written? In this post, we define the qualities of a round character, illustrated by multiple examples from literature which demonstrate what makes round characters so compelling.
rossinies ghost that is the answer i think