$45,950 are one of the average trends and income of being a pastry chef. Other averages such as being a pastry chef can earn a trend of $6,861, $11,289, and $39,540.
Sewing machine, Fabrics and thread, needle and scissors.
There are many tools of trade that are necessary when it comes to fashion and interior design but the
three tools of the trade that I think are most important are;
- The sewing machine: This is the most important tool when it comes to fashion. If there are no machines, how to you intend to sew your fabrics? How do you intend to reproduce what you have imagined or seen somewhere? Therefore this one tool is vital in setting up a fashion store. What of the fabrics to sow? Don't be bothered, customers will come with that and this will lead me to the next important tool which is fabrics.
- Fabrics: without Fabrics there is no way you can reproduce what you have thought of or what you have seen in the fashion magazine, there is no way you can let people know about your work and what you can create with your creativity.
-Thread, needle and scissors: This are also important in the joining and creation of the cloth you deserve. Without needle, threads and scissors, then there no production of clothes. They are as such as important as your sewing machine.
Psychology has many founders whom contributed to influential thinking to the field. When hearing the names Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James, one thinks of the founding fathers of psychology. They are the most well-known pioneers and early founders who contributed their endeavors of better understanding to the psychological frailties.
It is an accessible form of propaganda and communication.
Many different religions use art to spread their belief. Places of worship are decorated both internally and externally with images and iconography of religious elements, to connect people with the divine, and encourage/remind them of the faithful path. It is also a sort of propaganda, an easy way of communicating the complex ideas that are faith and belief. Some of the religions that chose this approach are Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.