The huge war debt of the American government trickled down to the farmers by way of a head tax, which meant that small farmers with large families had to pay more than rich merchants with smaller families. Failure to pay could lead to loss of lands and imprisonment.Jan 22, 2019
What was one cause of Shays Rebellion?
The causes of the revolt, which became known as Shays Rebellion was money - or the lack of money. The American Revolutionary War had resulted in massive War Debts. The Continental Congress and state governments imposed a Poll tax to pay for the Revolutionary War debts.
The French and Indians were not exactly the closest allies to the colonists, yet they joined eachother as allies in a battle against the Monarchy and loyalists.
This is about the new travel ban that President Trump is trying to have passed.
The answer to your question is C.
The difference between the ideas of Hobbes and Locke was that Locke had the believe that everyone had a right to life and impartial protection where as Hobbes believe that if you abide by rules you’re going to be safe.