in the sixth century B.C., when the writer Epimenides lived, there was a plague which went all through all Greece. The Greeks felt that they more likely than not outraged one of their divine beings, so they started offering penances on raised areas to all their different bogus divine beings. When nothing worked they figured there should be a Divine being who they didn't think about whom they should by one way or another appease. So Epimenides thought of an arrangement. He delivered hungry sheep into the open country and educated men to follow the sheep to see where they would rests.
He accepted that since hungry sheep would not normally rests yet keep on touching, if the sheep were to rests it would be a sign from God that this spot was consecrated. At each spot, where the sheep tired and layed down, the Athenians constructed a special raised area and relinquished the sheep on it. A while later it is accepted the plague halted which they credited to this Unknown God tolerating the penance.
The Unknown God or Agnostos Theos is a Divine being referenced by the Christian Missionary Paul Areopagus discourse in Acts 17:23, that notwithstanding the twelve primary divine beings and the countless lesser gods, old Greeks loved a god they called "Agnostos Theos"; that is: "The Unknown God", which Norden called "Un-Greek". In Athens, there was a sanctuary explicitly committed to that god and regularly Athenians would swear "for the sake of The Unknown God"
La ley de Préstamo y Arriendo (en inglés: Lend-Lease), titulada formalmente como Ley para promover la Defensa de los Estados Unidos (en inglés: An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States) fue un programa en virtud del cual los Estados Unidos comenzaron a suministrar alimentos, petróleo y material militar a Reino Unido, al gobierno en el exilio de la Francia Libre, a la República de China y más tarde a la Unión Soviética y otras naciones aliadas entre 1941 y agosto de 1945. Los suministros incluían buques de guerra, aviones de combate y otras armas. Se convirtió en ley el 11 de marzo de 1941 y se derogó en septiembre de 1945. En general, la ayuda fue gratuita, aunque algunos equipos (como barcos) fueron devueltos tras el fin de la guerra. A cambio de la ayuda, Estados Unidos recibió el arrendamiento de bases militares y bases navales en territorio de sus países aliados durante la guerra; Canadá tuvo un programa similar, mucho más pequeño y con un nombre diferente.
In order to gain more information, the CRP ordered a burglary into the headquarters of the Democratic national committee. They wanted to gain an advantage in the upcoming elections of the state. This was followed by the Watergate scandal, in which President Nixon's administration tried to cover up their involvement in this break-out. All of this happened in 1970. A constitutional crisis occurred when the scandal was investigated by the Congress and in which there was resistance from Nixon's administration.
The Texas Declaration of Independence was the formal declaration of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico in the Texas Revolution. It was adopted at the Convention of 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos on March 2, 1836, and formally signed the next day after mistakes were noted in the text. Plz mark brainliast
The way that land is cleared.
The use heavy diesel power machines to clear the forest and it lets loose a lot of harmful gasses.
Hope this Helps!!