According to manifest destiny, that America should be able to obtain Texas as well as the Oregon country. O' Sullivan said that it was for the "free development of our yearly multiplying millions".
Wounded Knee was in 1890. Specifically it was December 22, 1890.
The Whig theory, put into place after the Glorious Revolution, put a premium on the idea of civic virtue, placing the public good above personal interest. To promote such virtue, one needed a society in which property ownership was widespread. An agricultural nation, where farming was thought to encourage honesty, frugality, and independence, was less likely to become corrupt than a society dependent on commerce and manufacturing. In an agrarian society, politics would be less fractious because everyone's interest would be similar. In such a society representatives would be less fractious because everyone's interest would be similar. In such a society representatives would be equally affected by whatever laws they passed. This would prevent them from tyrannizing over the people by passing oppressive laws.
<span>The Whig view of politics was not democratic. It assumed that only men who owned property had a sufficient permanent stake in society to be trusted to vote.</span>
Many Progressives held racist ideas about minority groups.