The Answer is 125
1. Nob: second place where tabernacle rested in Canaan
1 Samuel 21:1-9
2. Ithamar: son of Aaron who faithfully served god as priest
Numbers 3:4
3. Zerubbabel: leader under whom the second temple was built
Ezra 5:2
4. Levi: tribe that was separated for holy service
Numbers 3:12; 8:16
5. Mt. Zion: place where ark was set up within curtains
2 Samuel 6:2;16
6. Nathanael: doubted that anything good could come from Nazareth
John 1:46
7. Jesus: said i am the good shepherd
John 10:11
8. Abihu: priestly son of Aaron who offered strange fire
Levitic 10:1
9. Gabriel: referred to Jesus as a holy thing
Luke 1:26-32
10. Shiloh: first place where tabernacle rested in Canaan
Joshua 18:1
Well we were down 8-0 in baseball the other day, so they thought they were gonna win. Well, I hit 2 home runs, (grand slam and 3 run), and then we scored some others. We won 10-8.
<span>There were several great successes of medieval Asia that
took the world by surprise. Firstly the printing press was discovered in China
and it did change the total outlook of the world. Algebra was also invented
during this period in the Middle East by such scholars as Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi.
The first novel named “The tale of genii” was written in
Japan. Among the challenges faced, black plague was the major challenge that
spread like fire in China and Middle East. The challenge of the Mongols were
also faced by the people living in this area of Middle East.</span>