This era would be known as the Cold War period. This period of time is when the US and Soviet Union faced off in a battle of political power and global influence. The US (in support of capitalism) and the Soviet Union (in favor of communism) constantly tried to limit the power of each other. In order to show their political power, each country made allies.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was a political and military alliance between countries like the US, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Italy, and Canada which focused on stopping the spread of communism. These countries were worried that nations influenced by the Soviet Union would turn into one similar to the Soviet regime. These countries did not like this communist regime, as the rights and individual liberties of the citizens were severely limited.
Answer:Required design changes after the Three Mile Island accident resulted in higher costs and longer construction times for new nuclear plants. As a result, construction of nuclear reactors steeply declined. No nuclear plants started after 1974 have been completed in the United States.
Explanation:please give brainliest
Joshua made a covenant with Israel at Shechem and then set up a great stone by an oak tree.
So they can keep track of their work