c. civil service examinations
In order to fill government positions, the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties all used CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS.
In ancient China, imperial examinations were used to select government officials using written examinations and this use of meritocracy was influenced during the Tang Dynasty.
The Tan, Ming and Song Dynasties all used examinations to test the knowledge of candidates on subjects like Chinese classics, poetry and administrative issues.
The oil boom in Texas brought about dramatic changes in the economy during the period of late 1800s and early 1900s.
- The oil boom of which was also called gusher age brought about several economic changes.
- The discovery of huge oil reserves bought rapid industrialization, with the turn of century urbanization was seen with new corporations and new infrastructures being built to keep pace with the ushering oil business.
- After the end of World War 2, the state was industrialized, amongst which Houston was the one to be most benefited in this boom, having the largest reserves of natural oil. This period brought significant changes in the commercial makeover of Texas.
- During the end of 18th centuy and beginning of early 19th century, started with the Oil era in Texas, having opened the first oil field in Corsicana in 1894
As we write this tip sheet, the government just approved the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile, which are two of the four biggest cell phone carriers. If Sprint and T-Mobile complete the merger, there will be three major carriers—AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile (which is what the combined Sprint and T-Mobile will be called). These carriers provide the best coverage and are the main players in the industry. Their coverage and plans differ from each other, so you’ll want to do some research to see which one provides the best coverage in your area, and which one offers the data plans that best meet your needs. But these are not the only options. There are other, smaller carriers that may provide coverage in your area, and offer plans that cost a lot less than the plans offered by AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. How do you find these other carriers? Try Googling for information on carriers and plans from reputable sources like Consumer Reports. Here’s a link to a 2019 Consumer Reports guide to low-cost cell-phone plans. Consumer Reports updates this information yearly. You can also get good information about plans from Whistle Out
Jerusalem captured the first three crusaders
Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, and China