A person earning a very large amount in a big span of year and that ending in a financial trouble eventually is an example of irresponsible management of money. In the case, that he spent in women and gamble, then really he is irresponsible.
The correct answer is:
Loughner did not make any overt threats against anyone.
Jared Lee Loughner is an American mass murderer who shot and critically wounded his primary target, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and killed other six people in the Tucson shooting (January 8, 2011 ). He later pled guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder.
Despite having shown previous disruptive behavior he wasn´t arrested until after the shooting because no open threats were made.
When a girl asks for your number, say for example you are a boy, then this could mean two things: the girl needs something from you may it be school work or business endeavors or the girl may have want to personally get in touch with you. Girls are not the aggressive type when it comes to relationship so this could mean she likes you,
Observational learning through imitation. Dr Ansorg uses this behavioral therapy of modeling where clients are demonstrated on how to perform a specific skill, in this case, appropriate social skills. This therapy is usually helpful for people who are experiencing anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder.
I believe the answer is: Achieved status
Achieved status refers to a concept of social position which given to a certain individual due to the talents or personal efforts that the individual have. Examples of achieved status are : world tennis champion, world chess grandmaster, etc.