Net Asset value (NAV)
Net Asset value (NAV) represent per share market value of the fund.It is calculated using the below formula
Net Asset value of fund=Value of mutual fund's portfolio-Mutual fund liabilities/Number of share outstanding.
Mutual fund portfolio normally includes all the cash and securities of a fund.
NAV is normally computed at the end of the end of each trading day based on the closing market prices of the fund portfolio.
In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a class of creditors is considered to have accepted the bankruptcy plan when:
one-half of the class in number and two-thirds of the class in dollar amount agree.
In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the business assets are liquidated to pay the creditors. In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the business assets are not liquidated. Instead, the business is refinanced as the assets and debts are reorganized, making it possible for the continued existence of the business. This is the reason the agreement of the creditors are usually paramount in the decision to undergo a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
lack of anonymity
According to my research on whistle-blowing systems within organizations, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the major issue that the program seems to have is a lack of anonymity. All whistle-blower systems are designed to be completely anonymous so that anyone who uses the system to do the right thing and report people who are breaking the law or rules are not mentioned and face backlash from co-workers. Apparently, the system that Company X is either not anonymous or is not adhering to the anonymity policy.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
The main function of our large intestine is to absorb the water that is present in the insoluble food components we take in and its by-product would be the waste that is excreted from the body as faeces. The large intestine is followed by the anus and is preceded by the small intestine.
Basic earnings per share is calculated as net income available to common shareholders weighted average common shares outstanding.
<h3>What is basic earnings per share?</h3>
Basic earnings per share is the share of a firm's net income that is available to each unit of its common outstanding shares. Basic earnings per share differs from diluted earnings because it excludes preferred shares from its calculations.
Basic earnings per share = (net income - proffered shares) / common outstanding shares
To learn more about basic earnings per share, please check: