It relates to it because there was a plague because of the lyrics, a rosy red rash in the skin was believed to be a sign that you were infected with the plague and a pocket full of posies described that scented flowers were carried and held close to the nose to stave off the smell of death and disease the last line we all fall down supports the believe that at the time death was a certainty
When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a ... spending over time in nominal dollars is misleading because it does not take ... defense spending as a share of GDP has generally declined since the 1960s, ... Healthcare expenditures include both payments for senior citizens (Medicare), ...
D. The Fugitive Slave Act
Slave Power was a term used to refer to the political, economic, and social influence held by slaveholders in the South. Southern slaveholders and politicians had power in federal offices. They used their influence to maintain the institution of slavery in the South. The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the slave power which gave Southern states the power over the Northern states by using the federal government.