Technical writing<span> is a type of </span>writing<span> where the author is </span>writing<span> about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of </span>writing<span> has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other </span>writing<span> styles such as creative </span>writing<span>, academic </span>writing<span> or business </span>writing<span>.</span>
Technical writing<span> is any written form of writing or drafting </span>technical communication<span> used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, like as </span>computer hardware<span> and </span>software<span>, </span>engineering<span>, </span>chemistry<span>, </span>aeronautics<span>, </span>robotics<span>, </span>finance<span>, </span>medical<span>, </span>consumer electronics<span>, and </span>biotechnology<span>. It encompasses the largest sub-field within technical communication. i hope that helps</span>