Your answers are going to be: Will succeed, Will reevaluate, and Will create.
Reason: Had is past tense and Has is present tense. Will is the only word that indicates that the actions <em>will be done</em> in the future instead of having already <em>been done.</em>
The pharmaceutical company would really affect the place
where their factory would be located. It will affect the humans mostly in a
good way. With the rise of pharmaceutical company, people will be able to have
access with medicines. They can easily buy medicines from this company whenever
they have illnesses or diseases. It will also have good effect to the economy
because they will be paying taxes to the government. On the startup, they will
be paying for business licenses and other fees to the government. They are also
generating income which is good to the economy of the place. The effect of this
company to the environment including its climate would depend on its
precautionary measures against pollution. Pharmaceutical waste can have bad
effects to the environment if not disposed properly.
Only in meiosis does the amount of chromosomes change, not in mitosis, so each of the daughter cells will also have 32 chromosomes
The correct answer is villi.
The carbohydrates consumed by human beings are further dissociated into its mono forms, that is, fructose, glucose, and galactose. Of these monosaccharides, about 80% is glucose, which gets absorbed with the assistance of absorptive cells in the small intestine. In the walls of the small intestine, the food after digestion is passed into the blood vessels via the process of diffusion.
The mucosa or the inner wall of the small intestine is enveloped by finger-like tissues known as villi that further comprise microscopic finger-like outcrops called microvilli. These villi and microvilli enhances absorption of nutrients as they increase the surface area of the small intestine. Thus, the absorption of glucose within the small intestine is enhanced by the presence of villi.