Sentence three is the correct sentence. All of the others have some grammatical error in them. In the first, "felled" is incorrect and not a word. It also says "walk boots" instead of the correct verbal adjective "walking boots." In the second, "weren't" is not usually considered very academic and "tight" should be in the adverb form "tightly." Number four is wrong because it used "walked boots" instead of of "walking boots" and "tight" instead of "tightly." "Fallen" is incorrect in number 4, because it should have been "had fallen" if one was going to use the verb "fallen."
If you mean that they have nobody guarding them like in basketball. then you could put archery, fishing, power lifting, yoga
yes u wont get into trouble
Cheer is a sport because you are moving your body and you are going thru something physical
Jane Austen demonstrates Sense and sensibility as a character trait through Marianne and Elinor. Sense is to represent the logical and realistic view of life, which Elinor completely displays. Because Elinor embodies the ideal of Sense she is also subject to concealing her emotions and not letting them guide her at all. Marianne demonstrates the term sensibility because she often views life in an unrealistic was as her emotions are the only thing that guides her through life. As the novel progresses you start to see how both girls transform and realize the dangers of only displaying either sense or sensibility opposed to a combination of both