"Why Do We Hate Love?"
1. We hate love for various psychological reasons. Love can arouse anxiety and threaten old defenses. In the past one could build emotional blocks that close off emotional feelings. When love is showed to such a person, they can become suddenly saddened, because they feel the pain of not being loved in the past. Being loved also questions a person's self-concept, thus, provoking identity crisis within. The love enjoyed in the family can also make a person to find love outside the family difficult, as they feel disconnected.
2. A "...many people are unaware that being loved or especially valued makes them feel angry and withholding."
The line dividing love and hate is very thin. For example, when sex is used as a tool to show love, hate may result if the other party does not approve of it. This is why young men should be careful to suggest or apply sexual maneuvers over their lovebirds. Love should be solidified before sex, allowing sex to result from love and not love from sex.
This study used linkable administrative databases housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP). The original cohort consisted of 17,115 women born in Manitoba between April 1, 1979 and March 31, 1994, who stayed in the province until at least their 20th birthday, had at least one older sister, and had no missing values on key variables. Propensity score matching (1:2) was used to create balanced cohorts for two conditional logistic regression models; one examining the impact of an older sister’s teenage pregnancy and the other analyzing the effect of the mother’s teenage childbearing.
The climax is when Alex and Lena are caught together and Lena gets locked up in her room and the conflict Lena falls in love with a guy and she can't be with him. So she fights for him and runs away with her loved one, Alex. The ending is that once Lena finally escapes from the confines of her oppressive totalitarian government, she sees Alex shot right in front of her. Her only choice is to run into the wilds.