I’d be angry if Leonardo da Vinci had been given credit for work that’s not his because it’s not fair to someone that worked really hard on it if he just steals it. However, I do not believe this because I understand that Leonardo da Vinci has potential and all his products were handcrafted by himself. Nothing should be done because it’s been proven his work is his.
Answer: Composition is a way of guiding the viewer's eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes – in a very specific order. A good composition can help make a masterpiece even out of the dullest objects and subjects in the plainest of environments.
-pablo es menos alto que Mario : inferioridad
-El bizcocho es tan dulce como el pastel : comparacion.
-Tu perro es mas agresivo que el mio: superioridad
-Ese coche es tan caro cono el del periodico : comparacion
- Lucia lee mas rapido que estefanìa : superioridad
- Marta es menos puntual que Jaime: inferioridad
cuando ves en una oracion "Tan" significa comparar algo que comparas.
cuando ves en una oracion " mas" significa superioridad.
cuando ves en una oracion " menos" significa inferioridad.
Espero que ayude