individualist, collectivist
Individualist cultures emphasize the importance of the individual while collectivist cultures emphasize the importance of the group.
Here, talks about his own experiences and feelings hence Ted comes from a individualist culture.
Jad is looking forward to spending time with his family and friends in his home town here he is thinking about the himself as a part of the group and emphasizing how important his group is to him.
Work is productive, meaning that someone will pay for it. Simply a supply and demand issue.
Much of the catastrophic damage done by hurricane katrina was caused by a storm surge arriving near high tide
The correct answer is no.
Alisha was under no obligation to help Timmy, <em>there is no such thing like</em> <em>duty to rescue.</em> There is no legal requirement in the United States to help and rescue someone who is in danger. Even in extreme situation, when a person sees a person falling into a river for example, the witness of the situation is no obliged to assist with help.
There are some cases with some important exceptions: if the defendant created the peril he is obliged to come to the plaintiff's aid, if the defendant started to rescue the plaintiff, he must continue to do so, if the defendant is in a special relationship with the plaintiff ( teacher-student, worker-employer), he is under duty to rescue him.
Alisha was under no duty to inform Timmy's parents of the danger facing him <em>but she should have done it nevertheless.</em> She should at least have phoned them if she didn't have the time to stop by. She knew the boy well and she should have cared more. The need to help the boy should have come from her moral guidance and not as a sense of duty to be performed.