Climatic condition was the major factor for migrating to new places.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldiest stories that has been written in the history of mankind; oldest preserved stories at least. It was written on clay tablets which are to some extent still preserved today. And this is a feat which has immeasurable value considering what we can learn from it.
During the Victorian Era, the middle class wasn't very large. The middle class consisted of shopkeepers, merchants, clerks, businessmen, bankers, doctors, and etc. Many people in the middle class could make on average 100-5,000
People also referred to the higher class who had commodity’s as the Bourgiuse
Latin can be represented as a Old way in. English history
The capital of Canada is Ottawa, Ontario. It was named the national capital by Queen Victoria on December 31, 1857, but the government did not move there until 1866. The capital of Canada was Kingston Ontario from 1841 to 1844