Cherokee attempts at resisting the removal by the United States included creating a formal Cherokee constitution, negotiating the Treat of 1819, and proceeding with legal action within the Supreme Court. These actions proved futile when Andrew Jackson was elected President and forcibly removed them for their land.
You can limit what information is shown to the public, but you can't lie
you watch the weather. he had experience winter days with blue skys and Northwest winds, where the temperature would hold steady during the day then sink below freezing at night. The stiff the Northwest wind had erased 50 degree weather of the previous day.
Short Answer: C
D is too restrictive
A and C are opposites so one of them is right and the other isn't. Sometimes you get luck with Multiple Choice. If you have to guess, this one is the kind of question you want to guess on. A is the opposite to what is true. The answer is C.
B Any asset can be something that can be a depreciating asset. A good example is a car or truck. Depreciating assets and not damaged assets.