Just think about all the happy stuff you’ll do after and drink coffee maybe
Our Town by Thornton Wilder is a modernist play because it explores the transience of human life, in a sense that the characters in the play highlight the significance of the little things that they do in their daily lives. The play is also narrated through the view of a stage manager which openly tells the audience about how the stage is designed and what each prop is meant for. The stage manager is a character both inside and outside the play which blurs the wall between the reality that what the audience is about to see is fictional, and the fiction that the play is supposedly real in the character's point of view. This characteristic of the play destabilizes the line between fact and fiction and is considered a modernist play based on that setting itself, among all other themes of the play.
Willy hopes that Biff will make something of himself, yet Biff drifts from job to job without any ambition in life. He used to work as a shipping clerk but he stole basketballs from his boss. He once spent three months in jail because he stole a suit. He failed Math so he did not graduate from high school. Now Biff works in cattle ranches and farms. At his age of 34 he should already have a wife and family and a steady job yet he just wanders from one place to another looking for jobs.