The Fragaria Plant produces Strawberries.
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a combined statistical comparison or average comparison of education, per capita income indications and life expectancy and is used to rank the countries into tiers or levels of development.
A country with higher HDI score will have higher lifespan of people, higher GDP or per capita income and higher education. Mostly the developed countries will have high HDI.
According to the data available for 2014 the HDI ratings of the countries are: Norway at first position followed by Switzerland, Australia, Germany and Singapore and so on.
The petals on a flower are not just to be pretty, they attract insects (bees) that will pollinate another flower or that flower, so it will reproduce.
We fear flying in a plane, nuclear power plants or being struck by lightning more because our risk perception isn't rational. We assess risks using a mixture of cognitive skills (weighing the evidence, using reasoning and logic to reach conclusions) and emotional appraisals. In this case, we believe that overheating or lack of exercise is something we can control. We believe we can feel the process taking place and we can react in time. We fear all the situations that we cannot control.
A mother passes on her mt(DNA) or mitochondrial DNA which sometimes includes genetic material but a father only passes down a Y chromosome if he has a son. No genetic material.