El fitoplancton se basa en la cadena alimentaria marina. Sin embargo, el fitoplancton significa mucho más porque forman la base y la base de la cadena alimentaria marina. Se les conoce como fitoplancton porque dependen de la luz para el crecimiento y el sustento de la vida fuera del hábitat marino. Se sabe que son responsables del 50% de la fotosíntesis de la Tierra, por lo tanto, son cruciales para la supervivencia humana. Las algas son un grupo importante de fitoplancton. Otros ejemplos incluyen cianobacterias y diatomeas.
Carbohydrate is a carb found in your diet of foods that provides glucose which is the basic form of energy and also carbohydrates are one of your macronutrients
B. Primary succession is the establishment of a community in an area with no soil, while secondary succession is the establishment of a new community in an existing ecosystem that was disturbed.
In Biology, ecological succession refers to changes in the structure of the populations of species that inhabit a specific area.
Primary succession starts when <u>species colonize new, previously inhabited areas with no soil.</u> The species that appear first are known as pioneer species that do not require a great amount of nutrients or soil, for example lichens.
Secondary succession refers to a situation in which <u>a previously inhabited area is re-colonized after a disturbance.</u> It begins with grasses, then followed by shrubs, and finally with trees before fauna species can also appear.