D. tierra caliente, tierra templada, tierra fria, tierra helada.
The Latin American region has its own unique names for the elevation zones based on the climate. The lowest of them is the tierra caliente, characterized with lowlands and hills covered with dense tropical forests, and hot weather. The tierra caliente is the second, located between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, being still part of the tropical climate, but being cooler and more pleasant, which is why there are lot of big cities on this elevation. The tierra fria is located further up, up to 3,000 meters, and it is colder, dominated with grasslands, and the living conditions are not the best. The top elevation zone is the tierra helada, located in the highest parts of the Andes, being dominated by barren mountain slopes, strong winds, and cold climate.
They differ in some social and ritual customs, and in some aspects of their cuisine.
These 'surface' differences stem from their respective historical geographic origins. The history of the 'Sephardim' springs from western Europe and North Africa, including Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Arabia. The history of the 'Ashkenazim' is rooted in Eastern Europe, including Germany, Poland, the Baltics, Russia, and the 'Stans' ... Tajik, Kazakh, Uzbek, etc.
One fascinating feature of this split, isolated evolution of Judaism ... and there are many ... is the fact that even though the two streams evolved, with almost zero contact, for as much as 1,000 years, a Sephardic Torah scroll and an Ashkenazic Torah scroll are totally identical, down to the last character in every one of their 10,290 lines of text written in 245 columns.
since is says plural promise(s) i pick b. all of the above. because you cant just pick one its clever word play
I would like to refer you to this website, it has everything you are asking about--
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Glacial retreat occurs when ice melts faster than it forms.
Glaciers are large, slow-moving masses of land ice formed by the recrystallization of snow. For complex reasons, if the worldwide climate becomes cooler, and snow accumulates faster than it melts, the glaciers grow larger and cover more land. 10% of the Earth's surface today is covered by glaciers. Antarctica and Greenland are virtually covered by glaciers. At the height of past glacial ages, 32% of the Earth was covered by glacial ice. Most of Chicago is covered by glacial or glacial-related deposits.
Greenhouse (warm) periods: extensive and prolonged volcanic activity produces excessive carbon dioxide Thus based on above the glaciers have been melted in the recent past and still continue.
Apart from this, the climate will cool again at the end of global warming and climate change. The natural cycle will change and raising the carbon content along with sea levels.