because he acts a certain way or says certain thing to give of the apperince or the feel of being indea and pirzada is suprised to find out he is not indian
HYPERION was the Titan god of heavenly light, one of the sons of Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven) and Gaia (Gaea, Earth), and the father of the lights of heaven--Eos the Dawn, Helios the Sun, and Selene the Moon. His wife was Theia, lady of the aither--the shining blue of the sky. Hyperion's name means "watcher from above" or "he who goes above" from the greek words hyper and iôn.
Hyperion was one of four Titan brothers who conspired with Kronos (Cronus) to castrate and depose their father Ouranos. When Sky descended to lie with Earth, Hyperion, Krios (Crius), Koios (Coeus) and Iapetos (Iapetus)--posted at the four corners of the world--seized hold of their father and held him fast while Kronos castrated him with a sickle. In this myth these four Titanes (Titans) personify the great pillars holding heaven and earth apart or the entire cosmos aloft described in Near-Eastern cosmogonies. As the father of the sun and dawn, Hyperion was no doubt regarded as the Titan of the pillar of the east. His brothers Koios, Krios and Iapetos presided respectively over the north, south and west.
The Titanes (Titans) were eventually deposed by Zeus and cast into the pit of Tartaros (Tartarus). Hesiod describes this as a void located beneath the foundations of all, where earth, sea and sky have their roots. Here the Titanes shift in cosmological terms from being holders of heaven to bearers of the entire cosmos. According to Pindar and Aeschylus (in his lost play Prometheus Unbound) the Titanes were eventually released from the pit through the clemency of Zeus.
shouting, jostling, fists, weapons, police officers
These words all create an image of protest or an argument. You could also say these words describe unrest.
In “I Hear America Singing” it is showing individualism and originality by them all singing their own song that is song which belongs to them.
In section 52 of “Song Of Myself” he says “I too am not a bit tamed”. “On The Beach At Night Alone."
" I Hear America Singing" is typically a joyful list of people working away. The speaker of the poem announces that he hears "America singing," and then made a description the people who make up America. These include the mechanics, the carpenters, the shoemakers, the mothers, as well as the seamstresses. He declares that each worker sings "what belongs to him or her," also that they all sing loud and strong as they work. And as the poem ends, we learn that they like to sing at their parties, too. America: full of American Idol wannabes.
The poem comprises of a stanza, which is made up of eleven lines. Whitman writes in his characteristic free verse. The structure is simple in a way that it follows the simple list format that Whitman commonly employs in his poetry. One after the other, he states the different members of the American working class and describes the way they sing as they perform their tasks respectively.
This poem exemplifies the theme of musicality in Whitman's poetry. Whitman uses music to lay emphasis on the connection to human experience. Although, each worker sings his or her individual song, the act of singing is universal, and as a way, all of the workers unite under one common American identity.