With this information I don’t fully understand the question but broadly speaking any sequence that would not made transcribed into the correct RNA from the DNA will be
Example is the first normal DNA is read 5’ - GGT 3’ and the RNA will be 3’CCA’ 5’ as it is COMPLEMENTARY. (Important keyword with this)
If the assignment wants you to have a silent mutation that Change the RNA to something that is not complementary to the DNA but will still produce that same protein as the example above. If you need to make a new protein change the rna so the codon will make a different protein from the above sequence
Can overload the immune system, causing you to become sick, and open to sicknesses.
A) Fats provide 12 kcals of energy per gram.
Limestone contains calcium carbonate which comes from animals that have shells, it already has carbon. Other sources are ocean animals which create shells that combine both carbon and calcium. Their dead bodies also release carbon to the ocean. Limestone is also known as a sedimentary rock that has carbon. Outside the ocean, limestone emits the carbon and becomes part of the carbon cycle. In addition to this, limestones are widely used by people becomes a part of the carbon cycle. Its component is present on asphalt, animal feed.
Amino acids are considered as the building blocks of proteins.
Proteins in the body consist of 20 different amino acids, some of which can be synthesized by the body itself.
Each unique protein is formed by the combination of these proteins in several ratios and sequences.