Men believe communication should have a clear purpose, but women use communication to discover how she feeling and tell what she wants to say.
HI! I know some stuff about history of them and here is what I have for you..... the butterfly sister best known as the Mirabal Sisters were assassinated the 25 November 1960s by order of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, this turn them into a symbol of both popular and feminist resistance.
Well, with better meds, we are able to cure bad diseases that people may have, for technology, we can send communication from a long distance for help.
Answer: 3. Punishing behaviour that deviates from the terminal behaviour
Explanation: shaping procedure is the process of reinforcing successively closer approximations to a desired terminal behavior. It usually starts by reinforcing a behaviour that the individual already has and in some way related to the terminal (desired) behaviour; this is the first approximaion. After this is strengthened, the reinforcement is extinguished and then the next behaviour which is a closer approximation is strengthened and eventually extinguished.
This process continues with each approximation closer to the terminal behaviour until the terminal behaviour is achieved. For every step or approximation, the previous reinforcement has to be extinguished in order to move the process closer to the end goal, which is the terminal (desired) behaviour.