<u>Ibn al-Haytham:</u>
Ibn al-Haytham made huge advances in optics, science, and space science. His work on optics was described by a solid accentuation on painstakingly planned examinations to test speculations and theories.
Ibn al-Haytham is viewed as the dad of optics for his compelling The Book of Optics, which accurately clarified and demonstrated the cutting edge intromission hypothesis of visual observation, and for his analyses on optics, remembering tests for focal points, mirrors, refraction, reflection, and the scattering of light. Ibn al-Haytham's most significant work is Kitāb al-manāẓir ("Optics").
Despite the fact that it gives some impact from Ptolemy's second century promotion Optics, it contains the right model of vision: the latent gathering by the eyes of light beams reflected from objects, not a functioning spread of light beams from the eyes.
In his incredible exercise manual of Optics, Alhazen accurately distinguished that our eyes don't emanate beams. He contended that light influences the eye – for instance, we can harm our eyes by taking a gander at the sun – yet our eyes don't influence light.
By eighteenth-century standards, the American Revolution was very radical. For the first time, overseas colonies banned their empire to create a republican union. In late 1778, they grasped Savannah, Georgia. During the spring of 1780, they seized Charleston, South Carolina - along with 5,000 Patriot soldiers. That summer, the British crushed another Patriot army at Camden, South Carolina. In 1780, they arrested the British fort at Mobile, Alabama. The next year, they took Pensacola, the capital of British West Florida. In October 1780, at Kings Mountain in South Carolina, the Patriots crushed a Loyalist militia and killed many of the prisoners. As the Loyalists lost men and ground, neutral civilians swung over to the Patriot side.
There are many ways in which repressive regimes interact with civil society, although one of the major ones is that they suppress people's opinions and voices.
Very difficult / hard at doing that task.
b. setting
because the question is asking about "where" the story happen so it's a setting.